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de Saram in Concert CD Cover
de Saram in Concert vol.2

de Saram in Concert CD Cover
de Saram in Concert vol.I

Crumb Dream  Sequence, Cello Sonata, Vox Balaenae
Dream Sequence
Cello Sonat
Vox Balaenae

Prokofiev Cello Concerto, Sonata, Ballade
Cello Works

Bach Suite No. VI, Kodaly Solo Sonata
Bach, Kodaly


English Music for Oboe
English Music for Oboe

Toshio Hosokawa CD
Toshio Hosokawa

Christian Wolff CD
Christian Wolff

Harmonic Labyrinth CD Cover
Harmonic Labyrinth

Berio Complete Sequenzas CD Cover
Complete Sequenzas

Interpretenportrait CD Cover

Watersmeet CD Cover

Prabhanda And Ragamalas CD Cover

Innovative Music Meeting CD Cover
The Innovative
Music Meeting

Britten Cello Suitesg CD Cover
Britten Cello Suites

Xenakis Epicycless CD Cover
Xenakis Epicycles

Pousseur CD Cover
Henri Pousseur

Kagel CD Cover
Mauricio Kagel

Feldman CD Cover
Morton Feldman

Dillon CD Cover
James Dillon
Rohan de Saram
"His musicianship and experience were profound, but what I remember most was how incredibly kind he was and genuinely curious and interested in the people around him, regardless of who they were or what they might have to offer him", violinist Andrew McIntosh posted on Facebook. "Those few days working with him were revelatory for me, getting to spend time with someone who provided a role model not only for what a life in music could look like, but also for how to be a person in the world — generous, sharing, graceful, focused, humble, hard-working, creative, curious, and kind."A.M.
"We wanted some cello music at our wedding, in 1981. We asked Rohan and he very kindly agreed to play the great cello movement from Messiaen’s Quartet for the end of time. He was accompanied on the church upright piano, an instrument probably not dissimilar to the piano Messiaen played at the premiere in the prison camp. The music was an interlude while we went off to the vestry to sign the register. This went off cheerfully and we returned smiling to the church. There we found the congregation silent and still, with faces glistening, moved to tears by Rohan’s playing. Thanks to Rohan we and all present felt touched by the sublime. It was the most marvellous wedding present."P.H.
"I have many fond memories of encounters with Rohan; he was always so kind, gentle and engaging. But my very first memory of him dates from March 1969. I didn’t meet him on this occasion, but heard him perform the Dvorak cello concerto, in Salisbury Town Hall. I was only 15. He made a strong impression on me, not only with the beauty of his playing, his sound in particular, but because there was something serene about his demeanour on stage, so calm, even during the most technically demanding passages, and totally focussed, seemingly without any awareness of the audience.

Luckily the website’s comprehensive listing of all Rohan’s performances enabled me to check the date of that concert in Salisbury, and then I found myself learning a lot more about his extraordinary early career. A wonderful musician – luckily there are many recordings to remind us."
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Bach Cello Suites
Bach Suites

20th Century British Works For Solo Cello
20th Century British
Works For Solo Cello

Dreamtiger East West Encounters
East West Encounters

With Ben Frith
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Pfitzner / Mayer CD
Pfitzner / Mayer

Rubbra CD

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Galina Ustvolskaya

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