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de Saram in Concert vol.2
de Saram in Concert vol.I
Dream Sequence
Cello Sonat
Vox Balaenae
Cello Works
Bach, Kodaly
English Music for Oboe
Toshio Hosokawa
Christian Wolff
Harmonic Labyrinth
Complete Sequenzas
The Innovative
Music Meeting
Britten Cello Suites
Xenakis Epicycles
Henri Pousseur
Mauricio Kagel
Morton Feldman
James Dillon
Rohan de Saram
Select by Ensemble Type:
Solo Cello
Cello With Piano
Cello With Instruments Other Than Piano
Cello With Orchestra
Cello With Electronics
Non-Cello pieces
String Quartet
Østeergaard, E
Ackermann, M
Adès, T
Adorno, T
Albright, W
Aliai, C
Alkan, C
Andriessen, L
Antheil, G
Aperghis, G
Börtz, D
Babbitt, M
Bach, J
Bach (JC), J
Baggiani, G
Bainbridge, S
Ballif, C
Banasik, M
Banquart, A
Bantock, G
Bargielski, Z
Barlow, C
Barrett, R
Barry, G
Bartók, B
Bauld, A
Bax, A
Beaudoin, R
Beck, K
Beethoven, L
Bellon, S
Benjamin, G
Bennett, W
Benoliel, B
Berg, A
Berio, L
Berkeley (L), L
Berkeley (M), M
Berstad, R
Bertrand, C
Best, C
Biberian, G
Birtwistle, H
Bloch, E
Boccherini, L
Body, J
Boesmans, P
Bogdanovic, D
Bohlin, J
Bonato, G
Bouchard, L
Boucourechliev, A
Boulez, P
Bréval, J
Brahms, J
Braun, P
Brecht, G
Brewaeus, L
Bridge, F
Brinch, G
Britten, B
Brown, E
Bruch, M
Brunetti, G
Bruno, C
Bruttger, T
Bryars, G
Buller, J
Burt, F
Bussotti, S
Butler, T
Cage, J
Capelli, G
Cardew, C
Carillo, J
Carl, R
Carrick, R
Carter, E
Casablanca, B
Caselli, G
Cashian, P
Cassadó, G
Castiglioni, N
Cavallone, P
Cerha, F
Chausson, E
Chen, S
Cheung Wai, H
Chiari, F
Chinca, S
Choloniewski, M
Chopin, F
Christofi, G
Clark, J
Clarke, J
Clementi, A
Cohn, S
Conyngham, B
Cooke, A
Copland, A
Correggia, E
Corrette, M
Costantini, A
Couperin, F
Cowell, H
Crawford-Seeger, R
Cresta, G
Crocket, D
Crosse, G
Cruft, A
Crumb, G
Crussell, B
Current, B
Czernowin, C
D'Indy, V
Dahinden, R
Dalbayie, M
Dall'Ongaro, M
Dallapiccola, L
Davidof, K
Davidovsky, M
Davidson, T
Davis, D
Davismoon, S
De Falla, M
de Fossa, F
de Jaer, B
de la Barre, M
de Leeuw, R
de Machaut, G
De Mey, T
de Pablo, L
de Perusio, M
de Raaf, R
de Saram, R
de Sarasate, P
de Zarate, J
De-Qing, W
Dean, B
Deane, R
Debussy, C
Del Tredici, D
Delgado, A
Delius, F
Dench, C
Denisov, E
Dennis, B
Deutsch, B
Devillers, J
di Bari, M
Dice, P
Dillon, J
Dinescu, V
Dittrich, P
Dodgson, S
Dohmen, A
Dohnányi, E
Donatoni, F
Drakeford, R
Dubrovay, L
Dun, T
Durand, J
Dusapin, P
Dutilleux, H
Dvořák, A
Eötvös, P
Edlung, L
Edwards, R
Eiriksdóttir, K
Ekanayaka, T
Ekström, L
Elgar, E
Eliasson, A
Ellis, D
Emmerson, S
Engel, P
Engelmann, H
Erber, J
Erickson, R
Essl, K
Essyad, A
Estrada, J
Evangelisti, F
Exton, J
Fómina, S
Füssl, K
Fauré, G
Febel, R
Fedele, I
Felder, D
Feldman, M
Feldman, B
Fenelon, P
Ferguson, S
Ferneyhough, B
Feron, A
Ferrante, A
Finissy, M
Finsterer, M
Finzi, G
Firsova, A
Flammer, H
Fleming, J
Fomina, S
Fornes, R
Forsman, M
Foss, L
Fox, C
Françaix, J
Francesconi, L
Franck, C
Frankel, B
Frescobaldi, G
Frick, O
Frith, F
Fritsch, J
Fuchs, R
Fuentes, A
Fujikura, D
Fukui, T
Fukui, K
Fulkerson, J
Furrer, B
Górecki, H
Gabrielli, D
Gal, H
Garuti, M
Gasparova, A
Gasser, U
Gatti, L
Gaubert, P
Gaudibert, &
Gaussin, A
Gedizlioglu, Z
Gehlhaar, R
Geminiani, F
Gerhard, R
Gershwin, G
Gervasoni, S
Giardini, F
Gielen, M
Gilbert, A
Gina, B
Ginastera, A
Giraud, S
Giuliano, G
Glass, P
Glière, R
Glover, M
Gnattali, R
Goehr, A
Goeyvaerts, K
Goldmann, F
Goldstein, B
Gorton, D
Goss, S
Grainger, P
Granados, E
Grassl, H
Grieg, E
Grillo, F
Grosskopf, E
Guaneri, A
Gubaidulina, S
Guerrero, F
Guoping, J
Hába, A
Höller, Y
Höller, K
Hübler, K
Haas, G
Hakola, K
Halffter, E
Halftter, C
Hamel, P
Hanna, M
Harada, K
Harley, J
Harrison, L
Harvey, J
Haselböck, M
Haubenstock-Ramati, R
Havel, C
Hayashi, H
Haydn, J
Hedstrøm, &
Hellem, M
Hemphill, J
Henze, H
Herchat, J
Herchenröder, M
Hersant, P
Hershey, S
Heyn, V
Hidalgo, M
Hiller, L
Hind, R
Hindemith, P
Hindson, M
Hinton, A
Hoeg, T
Hold, T
Holliger, H
Holloway, R
Holst, G
Holt, S
Honegger, A
Hoshiya, T
Hosokawa, T
Hoyer, G
Hoyland, V
Huber, K
Hus, W
Hwang-Long, P
Ibarrondo, F
Iglesias, A
Ikebe, S
Illes, M
Imbescheld, A
Ingolfsson, A
Innersten, I
Iranye, G
Isaksson, M
Ishii, M
Israelyan, M
Ito, H
Itoh, T
Ives, C
Järvetausta, J
Jack, A
Jacob, G
Janáček, L
Jarrell, M
Jazylbekova, J
Jez, B
Jolas, B
Josephs, W
Joubert, J
Jurgutis, V
Kagel, M
Kahn, E
Kahowez, G
Kahrs, S
Kalimoullin, R
Kalitzke, J
Kamal, T
Kancheli, G
Kang, J
Kang, S
Kartalyan, A
Katzer, G
Kempf, D
Keys, I
Khachaturian, A
King, G
Klengel, J
Kmitova, J
Kn*iacute;z&ahachek;k, M
Knaifel, A
Knox, G
Kodaly, Z
Koenig, G
Koering, R
Kolb, B
Kolman, P
Kondo, J
Kröll, G
Krauze, Z
Krawczyk, F
Krenek, E
Kriesberg, M
Krommer, F
Kupkovic, L
Kurtag, G
Kyburz, H
Lévy, F
Lachenmann, H
Lake, O
Lalo, E
Lam, B
Lampersberg, G
Lamsdaine, D
Lanchares, S
Lang, K
Lang, B
Lauricella, M
Lavista, M
Lecca, C
Leigh, W
Leighton, K
Lidermann, J
Lieberman, R
Ligeti, G
Lim, L
Lindberg, M
Linden, W
Lindroth, P
Lipman, S
Liszt, F
Livorsi, P
Lobera, B
Locatelli, P
Loridan, M
Lucier, A
Lund, E
Lutoslawski, W
Lutyens, E
Lydiate, F
Mâche, F
Mùhe, E
Müller-Goldboom, G
Müller-Hornbach, G
Macbride, D
Mack, D
Mackey, S
MacLeod, D
MacMillan, J
Maderna, B
Magnanensi, G
Maguire, E
Mahler, G
Maida, C
Maintz, P
Malipiero, G
Manca, G
Manet, R
Manoury, P
Mansurian, T
Manzoni, G
Marais, M
Marcó, T
Marconi, L
Marek, M
Markeas, A
Marmorstein, D
Maros, M
Martin, L
Martin, F
Martinelli, L
Martinu, B
Mason, B
Massenet, J
Matsumura, T
Matthews, D
Matthews, C
Mautner, J
Maxwell Davies, P
Mayer, J
Mayuzumi, T
Mazis, S
McCabe, J
McConchy, E
McCreesh, E
McNair, N
Mehta, R
Melchiorre, A
Melin, S
Mencherini, F
Mendelssohn, F
Messiaen, O
Michaels, J
Mikhashoff, Y
Milhaud, D
Miró-Charbonnier, I
Mira, R
Miroglio, F
Miura, N
Miyoshi, A
Moe, O
Moeran, E
Molino, A
Molloy, C
Monet, M
Monn, M
Moor, E
Moosbrugger, A
Mori, J
Morse, T
Morthenson, J
Mozart, W
Mundry, I
Murail, T
Murphy, P
Nancarrow, C
Narbutaitė, O
Nash, P
Natsuda, M
Ness, J
Neuwirth, O
Ng, N
Nielsen, C
Nieman, A
Nikolayev, L
Nin, J
Nishimura, A
Noák, R
Nodaira, I
Nono, L
Norgard, P
Nunes, E
Nyman, M
Ofenbauer, C
Offenbach, J
Ohana, M
Olbrisch, F
Oliveira, A
Oliveira, J
Olssen, V
Ora Bat Chaim, B
Orbón, J
Ore, C
Orr, B
Ortego-Miranda, S
Osborne, N
Osborne, G
Pärt, A
Pada, M
Paduwa, K
Paganini, N
Pagh-Paan, Y
Paik, N
Palestrina, P
Pape, G
Paredes, H
Parker, M
Pascal, R
Patterson, P
Pauset, B
Pauset & Mundry, D
Pearson, V
Pelo, M
Penderecki, K
Perezzani, P
Pernes, T
Petrassi, G
Pfitzner, H
Philips, T
Phillips, R
Piatti, A
Piggott, P
Pintscher, M
Pizzetti, I
Platz, R
Pohjola, S
Pomàrico, E
Poppe, E
Posadas, A
Poulenc, F
Pousseur, H
Powell, J
Powers, A
Pröve, B
Prokofiev, S
Provost, S
Puumala, V
Ránki, G
Rachmaninov, S
Radulescu, H
Rainer, P
Ramos, R
Rands, B
Raseghi, A
Rasmussen, K
Ravel, M
Ravera, A
Rawsthorne, A
Raxach, E
Rea, J
Redgate, R
Reed, W
Reeve, S
Reger, M
Reicha, A
Respighi, O
Reutter, H
Revueltas, S
Reynolds, R
Rhys, P
Rhys, J
Richard, A
Rihm, W
Riley, T
Rimoldi, P
Rimsky-Korsakov, N
Roberts, J
Rochberg, G
Rodrigues, E
Romberg, B
Romero, G
Ronchetti, L
Rosenzweig, M
Roslavetz, N
Ross, V
Rossi, A
Rossini, G
Rostomyan, S
Rubbra, E
Rudolph of Austria, A
Rueda, J
Rusconi, R
Ruzdjak, M
Ruzicka, P
Ryan, J
Rzewski, F
Sørenson, B
Saariaho, K
Sabat, M
Sackman, N
Saint-Saens, C
Salinen, A
Sammoutis, E
Sandström, S
Sani, N
Satie, E
Saunders, N
Saunders, R
Saxton, R
Sbordoni, A
Scarlato, D
Scelsi, G
Schaefer, P
Schaeffer, B
Schaeffer, P
Scharman, R
Scherchen, T
Schilingi, J
Schlee, T
Schmidt, M
Schmitt, F
Schnittke, A
Schoenberg, A
Schubert, F
Schulhof, E
Schuller, G
Schumann, R
Schurig, W
Schwendinger, L
Schwer, C
Schwertzik, K
Sciarrino, S
Scodanibbio, S
Scott, C
Searle, O
Searle, H
Seither, C
Seter, M
Shapey, R
Shapiro, A
Sharpe, E
Shchedrin, R
Shchetinsky, A
Sherlaw, R
Shin, D
Shinohara, M
Shostakovich, D
Sibelius, J
Siempis, K
Sierra, R
Silkstone, F
Silvestro, V
Simaku, T
Siskind, P
Skalkottas, N
Skempton, H
Smalley, R
Smolka, M
Soccio, G
Sohal, N
Solage, J
Soler, A
Sotelo, M
Souster, T
Spahlinger, M
Speach, B
Srinivasan, A
Srnka, M
Stäbler, G
Stalvey, D
Staude, C
Steinauer, M
Steinberg, C
Steinitz, R
Steinke, G
Stewart, D
Stockhausen, K
Strauss, R
Strauss Jnr, J
Stravinsky, I
Stringer, J
Stroope, Z
Stroppa, M
Stuppner, H
Suilamo, H
Summarano, V
Swayne, G
Szervansky , A
Szymański, P
Tadini, M
Taira, Y
Takemitsu, T
Tan, H
Tanguy, E
Tate, P
Tavener, J
Tchaikovsky, P
Tedde, G
Tenney, J
Terzakis, D
Thomalla, H
Thompson, V
Tiensuu, J
Tierney, P
Tiet, T
Tinoco, L
Tippett, M
Tovey, D
Trandafilovski, M
Truelove, S
Uduman, S
Ullmann, V
Ullmann, J
Urbaitis, M
Usher, P
Ustvolskaya, G
Utz, C
Vázquez, H
Vali, R
Vallejo, P
Vandini, A
Vanhal, J
Vannama, G
Varga, A
Vassena, N
Vaughan Williams, R
Vella, R
Verdu, J
Verlingieri, G
Vermeersch, P
Verrando, G
Viñao, A
Villa-Lobos, H
Vipuli Kandyan Dance Group,
Vir, P
Visconti-Prasca, M
Vivaldi, A
Volans, K
von Bose, H
Wagenaar, J
Wallin, R
Walter, C
Walton, W
Ward, D
Weber, C
Webern, A
Weir, J
Wellesz, E
Wen-ching, C
Whettam, G
Widmann, J
Willi, H
Williams, G
Williams, D
Winkler, A
Wittenbach, J
Wohlhauser, R
Wolff, C
Wolfhausen, R
Wolpe, S
Wood, J
Wuorinen, C
Wuping, M
Wyshnegradsky, I
Wyttenbach, J
Xenakis, I
Yabuta, S
Yi, S
Yim, J
Yokoyama, K
Young (D), D
Young (L), L
Ysaÿe, E
Yuhas, D
Yun, Y
Zemek, P
Zemlinsky, A
Zender, H
Zhang, H
Zimmermann, B
Zinsstag, G
Zorn, J
Zupko, R
Works Dedicated To Rohan
JS Bach (38 records)
Cello Suite - unknown
Solo Cello
Cello Suite no. 1
Solo Cello
Cello Suite no. 2
Solo Cello
Cello Suite no. 3
Solo Cello
Cello Suite no. 4
Solo Cello
Cello Suite no. 5
Solo Cello
Cello Suite no. 6
Solo Cello
Movements from Cello Suites
Solo Cello
Movements from Suite no.6
Solo Cello
Prelude I
Solo Cello
Prelude II
Solo Cello
Prelude III
Solo Cello
Prelude VI
Solo Cello
Preludes from Suites 1,3,5
Solo Cello
Preludes from Suites 2,4,6
Solo Cello
Selections from Cello Suites
Solo Cello
Suite no. 3 (Bourreé I,II)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 3 (Gigue)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 3 (Prelude)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 3 (Sarabande)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 4 (Prelude)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 4 (Sarabande)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 5 (Sarabande)
Solo Cello
Suite No. 5 in C minor (Gavotte)
Solo Cello
Suite No. 6 (Allemande)
Solo Cello
Suite No. 6 (Gigue)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 6 (Prelude)
Solo Cello
Suite no. 6 (Sarabande)
Solo Cello
Sonata no. 1 in G major, BWV 1027 (viola da gamba)
Cello With Piano
Sonata no. 2 in D major, BWV 1028 (viola da gamba)
Cello With Piano
Sonata no. 3 in G minor, BWV 1029 (viola da gamba)
Cello With Piano
Viola da Gamba Sonata No. 3 in G minor
Cello With Piano
Ricercare for six parts from the Musical Offering
Cello With Instruments Other Than Piano
Selection from Two-Part Inventions
Cello With Instruments Other Than Piano
St Matthew Passion
Cello With Instruments Other Than Piano
Trio Sonata in C major
Cello With Instruments Other Than Piano
Lute Suite transcribed from Cello Suite No. 5 in C minor
Non-Cello pieces
The Art Of Fugue; four movements from
String Quartet
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to Rohan
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Bach Suites
20th Century British
Works For Solo Cello
East West Encounters
With Ben Frith
Pfitzner / Mayer
With Scodanibbio
Six Duos
Stefano Scodanibbio
Galina Ustvolskaya
Galina Ustvolskaya
Carter Sonata
Ivan Fedele